英語學習:Letter of Apology 如何寫致歉信



作者:Alan Chan

除了sorry或excuse me,用英文向別人致歉還有很多變化。 「致歉信」(Letter of Apology)寫作時必須注意致歉方法、行文用字、語氣運用,還有這種題型的寫作特色。以下概括其寫作要點、句構及寫作示範。

Writing tips

1. 首先在第一段對所發生的情況表示歉意,例如未按時赴約、依時送貨等。
2. 簡要說明原因,即為什麼會發生上述情況。
3. 必要時,向對方說明今後如何安排或補救,或保證今後不會再發生類似事情。
4. 提供聯繫方法,以便對方提供其他方案。
5. 態度要誠懇,說明原因要恰如其分。
6. 直接陳述事實,不要轉彎抹角,亦不要為自己失誤辯護。
7. 作出合理安排,考慮對方的實際情況。
8. 這封應是正式書信(formal letter),用語不能太輕浮、隨便。
9. 若題目沒要求為這封信加上一個題目(title),可寫又可不寫。當然,你仍可按照寫信目的及信的內容為這封信加上一個合適題目。
10. 在詳細描述(detailed description)部分須使用各種past tenses(過去式)。

Vital sentence patterns and expressions
1. I am terribly sorry, but …
2. I must apologize about …
3. I apologize for delay inreplying to your letter.
4. Please accept my apologies.
5. Please correct me if I amwrong.
6. I hope you will forgive mylapse of attention(一時疏忽).
7. I hope you will pardonme.
8. I bitterly regret that wehaven’t been able to the better.
9. I regret to inform you ofthe following unpleasant situation.
10. I would take the wholeblame.
11. I h a d o n l y m y s e l f t o blame.(我只能責怪自己。)
12. I am to blame for it.(此事應當責怪我。)
13. I must try to avoid repeating these errors.
14. I don’t want any misunderstanding.
15. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
16. Please accept my apologies once more.

Dear Sir/ Madam, Apology for the Absence of Orientation Session
I have been accepted by your college as a full-time student. I was informed that the regular orientation session for new studentswill be held on 25th February.

However, I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend the session. The reason for my missing the session is that I have had a problem arranging a flight from Hong Kong to London. The earliest flight I have been able to book will arrive in London on the very day the orientation session is to be held. It will then take me most of that day to reach Durham. As I am sure the orientation course is an important introduction to live at the college, especially for overseas students, I would be grateful if you could advise me how I might make up for missing it.

In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused
for the college.

Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

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