

父母哪有不想孩子聰明伶俐?聰明通常是指IQ高。 IQ高讀書成績會好,長大後成就也會高,起碼找到高薪厚祿職位的機會較大,生活也會比平凡的同輩好,並且較開心。


智力成就 並無關聯

Downside解the negative aspect of something otherwise regarded as good or desirable,好事物中不好的地方。例如︰Fame can have its downsides. Fame是名氣,很多人都想being famous,但出名也有它的壞處。

Upside則相反,解the more positive aspect of a situation, the advantage of a situation,一個情況中的正面之處。例如︰The upside of being sick is that you can rest for a few days at home.(病倒了也有好處,那就是可以在家中休養幾天。)

海明威(Ernest Hemingway)曾說:”Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.”(聰明人中,開心的沒幾個。)這明顯是這位美國名記者和作家的現身說法,他最後以自殺終結自己的生命。但其實情況卻未必如他說的壞,智力高不一定會不開心,只是會面對很多令聰明人造成不開心的特別因素。

這有研究為基礎。 1926年,心理學家Lewis Terman在美國加州找了千五名IQ140或以上的學生作研究對象,長期觀察,發現這批被打趣地稱為”Termites(白蟻)”的孩子,很多長大後都” achieve wealth and fame”,名利相收,薪金也比平均多一倍。但他們有些亦從事一些較「普通」的行業,如警察、海員或打字員。 Terman的結論是:”intellect and achievement are far from perfectly correlated”(智力與成就並無必然關係)。

David Robson的”The surprising downsides of being clever”一文探討這個問題:”Can high intelligence be a burden(重擔、負擔) rather than a boon(好處)?”他指出,非常聰明的人有特別不開心的原因。

Rather than basking(享受) in their successes, many reported that they had been plagued by(受困擾) the sense that they had somehow failed to live up to their youthful expectations. That sense of burden – particularly when combined with others’ expectations – is a recurring motif(主題) for many other gifted children(資優兒童).

壓力較大 憂慮特多

人人都知道你自小聰明,對你的期望自然高,你對自己的期望也高,那就會造成壓力。另外,智商特高的人憂慮特多,加拿大MacEwan University研究發現,”those with the higher IQ did indeed feel more anxiety throughout the day”,但他們不是「憂國憂民」,而是憂慮一些”mundane(平凡的), day-to-day concerns”。

“Verbal intelligence”,說話能力高的人,憂心程度就更高。 “Greater eloquence(口才好、雄辯) might also make you more likely to verbalize(用言語表述) anxieties and ruminate(沉思) over them.”不過,這也未必是壞事,因為清楚問題,就可以有力解決,從錯誤中學習。

想了解high IQ是禍是福,可讀Aaron Clarey的Curse of the High IQ。

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