



Researchers who have examined the genomes of two coronavirus infections in Washington State say the similarities between the cases suggest that the virus may have been spreading in the state for weeks.

據美國疾控中心(CDC),華盛頓州於當地時間1月20日發現了美國首例新冠肺炎確診病例。而根據對病毒基因序列分析,2月28日在該州發現的另一例病例可能是第一個病例的後代(probably was descended from that first case)。


福瑞德·哈金森癌症研究中心和華盛頓大學的副教授特雷弗·貝德福德(Trevor Bedford)是參與基因序列比較的科學家之一。他認為,這表明病毒已經在同社區其他人群中傳播了近六周。

So the genetic findings suggest that the virus has been spreading through other people in the community for close to six weeks, according to one of the scientists who compared the sequences, Trevor Bedford, an associate professor at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington.

貝德福德博士說,這兩個病例也有可能是無關的,是分別傳播到美國的。但他表示,這種可能性不太大,因為這兩個病例的病毒中都含有一種似乎很罕見的基因變異(a genetic variation)。

愛丁堡大學分子進化學教授安德魯·蘭博特(Andrew Rambaut)支持貝德福德的推測,贊同這兩例病例之間是相關聯的。

「I think he』s right. It』s extremely unlikely that two viruses coming from outside the US independently would arrive in the same geographical area and be genetically related unless they were connected.」




Until very recently, the CDC had insisted that only its test could be used, and only on patients who met specific criteria—those who had traveled to China within 14 days of developing symptoms or had contact with a known coronavirus case.

華盛頓州貝爾維尤疾病建模研究所的首席研究科學家邁克·法穆拉雷博士(Dr. Mike Famulare)分析稱,如果病毒自1月中旬以來一直在華盛頓州未被發現的情況下傳播,這可能意味着最低也有150人被感染,最高可能高達1500人感染,最有可能的範圍是300到500人。

If the virus has been spreading undetected in Washington since mid-January, that could mean that anywhere from 150 to 1,500 people may have it, with about 300 to 500 people the most likely range, said Dr. Mike Famulare, a principal research scientist at the Institute for Disease Modeling in Bellevue, Wa., who performed the analysis.

他說,這些人「要麼已經被感染並康復,要麼現在已經被感染(have either been infected and recovered, or currently are infected now)」。


華盛頓州衛生部門的流行病學家斯科特·林德奎斯特博士(Dr. Scott Lindquist)3月1日說,儘管貝德福德博士的實驗室可處理的數據「非常有限」,但對他們的發現「我不會感到驚訝(I would not be surprised.)」。


「Seeing how they all relate to each other will be the real answer to the question of, has it been circulating,」 he said. 「I imagine within the week we should have some of these answers.」

A patient infected with the novel coronavirus in Washington state has died, a state health official said Saturday, marking the first death due to the virus in the United States.

美國首例死亡病例的就診醫院 圖源:紐約時報



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