



例如BBC最近一篇有關維他命的報道:「Should everybody be taking Vitamin D?」(是否人人都應服用維他命D?)副題是這樣:「Vitamin D is said to help stave off fatigue, depression and even cancer. But some experts argue that for people with healthy levels, supplements are not helpful. What』s the reality?」


Stave用作名詞解木柱、棍、棒;五線譜、詩節也叫stave。Stave又可用作動詞,stave something in解break something by forcing it inwards or piercing it roughly,擊穿、鑿孔於;例如︰The reef staved in the boat』s hull.(礁石把船身擊穿。)

Stave off則解avert or delay something bad or dangerous,擊退、趕走,要擊退;例如︰The campers staved off a wild boar last night.(露營人士昨晚擊退了一頭野豬。)Stave off也解暫時消除、擋住或推遲,如「stave off fatigue, depression and even cancer」(消除疲勞、抗衡情緒低落,甚至可以抗癌)。

這篇文章寫得很詳盡,正、反、不正不反的論調都鋪陳清楚,所以文章有很多這樣的轉折句子:「few doubt …」(很少人會懷疑……)、「but some experts say…」(但有些專家卻說……)、「evidence isn』t clear-cut」(證據並非一面倒)、「there is also conflicting research on …」(在這問題上亦有不一致的研究結果……)、「but other studies have been less conclusive」(但其他研究結論就沒有這麼斬釘截鐵)……。

With such conflicting results, it』s unsurprising that medical experts themselves are deeply divided over the benefits of widespread supplementation.


… but the impact this could have on your health is still up for debate(仍有商榷的餘地).


林林總總的資訊,就如文章副題中提出的問題:「What』s the reality?」真相是什麼?實情究竟是怎樣?這就是今天普通讀者對很多這些健康資訊的「讀後感」。這篇文章近三千字,又有多少人有時間讀完?讀完有恍然大悟的感覺,或更無所適從?

當然,網上文章沒有印刷和發行的成本,可說是「不登白不登」,所以篇幅長一點沒大關係,只要讀者有時間就可以慢慢的讀。但行文若較簡潔,對讀者的幫助會大一點,例如Reader』s Digest的文章「6 Vitamin Myths You Have to Stop Believing – and 2 Vitamins You Actually Do Need」就說︰「Taking vitamins you don』t need isn』t just a waste of money – it could put your health at risk, too.」(服用你不需要的維他命不但浪費金錢——更可能損害健康。)維他命亂投沒好處,但文章就說︰「Truth: A vitamin D supplement could do you good」(維他命D補充品確有用),但買前應「learn how much vitamin D to take, and which forms are best」。

Nina Shapiro和Kristin Loberg合著的Hype:A Doctor』s Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims, and Bad Advice – How to Tell What』s Real and What』s Not,試圖為讀者撥開健康資訊的五里迷霧。

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