



Anger解憤怒,是名詞。例如:Anger is a dangerous emotion.(憤怒是種危險的情緒。)The man slapped his son in a fit of anger.(那男人一怒之下掌摑他的孩子。)It is unhealthy to be filled with anger all the time.(經常滿腔怒火實在是不健康。)

Anger也用作動詞,解使發怒。例如:Mary was angered by Peter’s indifference.(彼得愛理不理的態度令瑪麗光火。)

Fury亦解憤怒,是比anger程度更劇烈的怒氣,即wild or violent anger,狂怒。例如︰The customer stormed out of the restaurant in fury after being humiliated by the waiter.(那顧客被侍應侮辱,狂怒地衝出餐廳。)Furious是形容詞︰The boss was furious that we have made a botch of the project.(我們把工作項目弄得一團糟,老闆勃然大怒。) 

另一個與憤怒有關的字是rage。Rage是violent uncontrollable anger,涉及暴力和行為失控的憤怒。被其他駕駛者激怒而情緒失控就叫road rage(路怒症)。不論是anger、fury或rage,都是負面情緒。令我們憤怒的情況可避則避,避不到就要學會管控。經常失控狂怒的人是有anger problem,而控制憤怒就是anger management。



People are happier if they are able to feel emotions(情緒) they desire – even if those emotions are unpleasant(令人不快的), such as anger and hatred(仇恨), a study suggests. The results of the study, compiled by an international team of researchers, found happiness is “more than simply feeling pleasure and avoiding pain.”

首席研究員、Hebrew University of Jerusalem的Maya Tamir博士解釋:”If you feel emotions you want to feel, even if they’re unpleasant, then you’re better off.”(讓自己去感受想去感受的情緒,就算是不快的情緒,那也是較好的。)


Surprisingly, the study also found 11% of people wanted to feel less of positive emotions, such as love and empathy(感同身受、同理心), while 10% of people wanted to feel more negative emotions, such as hatred and anger.


原來有一成左右的人竟希望感受較少正面情緒,亦有一成人想感受較多例如仇恨和憤怒等。Dr Tamir解釋:”Someone who feels no anger when reading about child abuse(虐待兒童) might think they should be angrier about the plight(苦況) of abused children, so want to feel more anger than they actually do in that moment.”

原來不是自虐,而是希望自己看到不平事,如兒童受虐待的事件會感到憤慨。Gary Chapman的Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way,教我們如何用健康的方法管控憤怒。

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