





美国作家Glynnis MacNicol就现身说法。她在酒吧跟朋友聚会,谈正在筹备写一本人过四十的自传,一位在场的名作家忽然说她没孩子没伴侣实在可悲。她在”I’m in My 40s, Child-Free and Happy. Why Won’t Anyone Believe Me?”一文中描述当时的情况:

No sooner had I finished than the famous writer placed his glass firmly on the white tablecloth, leaned back and declared(断言): “Glynnis MacNicol, you have a terrible life!”

Not exactly the feedback(回应、反应) I was hoping for. He continued: “You’re all alone in the world, and have no one to help you.” He turned to my friends, dramatically(戏剧性地) interrupting their conversation . “Do you know how terrible this woman’s life is? She’s all by herself!”

Alone解独自的、单独的。 Alone不等于lonely,lonely解孤独的、寂寞的。我可以alone但不lonely,独处但不感到孤寂。 Glynnis MacNicol说,40岁过外没有子女,她对生活方式感到满意、开心,但偏偏就有很多像那位名作家一样的人,不信她生活过得快乐。

Child-free和childless都解没有孩子,但意思有分别。 Child-free又叫voluntary childlessness,是选择不要孩子。而childless就只解没有子女。感到有生儿育女压力的不只是Glynnis MacNicol一个。

Do I Have To Be A Mother?: A Childfree Woman’s Struggle with Doubt and Loneliness的作者Karin Rahbek就说:”Real women have children, wise women choose for themselves.”(真女人有儿有女,聪明的女人自己选择。)

Baby Proof的作者Emily Giffin明显不想经常被人唠叨地问为何不生孩子:”Why do I need to have reasons? When someone decides to have a baby, people don’t go around asking what her reasons are.” (有人想生孩子,又不见有人问为什么。)

美国演员Katharine Hepburn认为:”If motherhood doesn’t interest you, don’t do it. It didn’t interest me, so I didn’t do it.”(不想当母亲这角色就别去当。我不想,所以就没去做。)


她又幽默地接着说︰”Anyway, I would have made a terrible parent. The first time my child didn’t do what I wanted, I’d kill him.”(无论如何,我会是个差劲的妈妈。因为孩子第一次不听话,我就会杀了他。)

这些想法,自然不会帮助改善人口老化,但生儿育女与否,每个人有绝对的自由去选择,旁人实在不应多加评论。 Glynnis MacNicol要写的自传就是No One Tells You This: A Memoir,细谈她没有孩子也一样可以开心。

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