英语趣谈:精明的你是否曾中招Subliminal retail tricks?






“明刀明枪”的推销相对易防,一些玩微妙心理学、行为学的手法,就不是这么容易招架,消费者往往堕入圈套而不自知。这些高明的促销法,又称为”subliminal retail tricks”。

Subliminal解below the threshold of sensation or consciousness,感官或意识之外的;或perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it,令人不自觉而受影响的,即潜意识的。Retail tricks就是零售的花招。

愈瞧不起  愈买得多

Susie Poppick在《时代》周刊的文章”10 Subliminal Retail Tricks You’re Probably Falling For”中,就介绍了商号常用的其中十招。她谈到今天消费者面对的营销术不是特别设计那么简单,而是运用科学原理和方法精心炮製的。

Consumer experience these days is not simply designed; it’s engineered. Research determines the ads you see, the scents(香味、气味) and sounds you encounter(遇上) in stores, even the way a salesperson might casually(偶尔地) touch your arm. It’s not all high-tech brain science, but here are some of the tricks companies use to entice(引诱) you to spend more.


Customers are actually more inclined to buy expensive products after a salesperson has acted snottily to them. This effect – which doesn’t work with mass-market brands, only luxury – seems to have something to do with the desire to be part of an in crowd.

Incline是动词,解倾向;例如︰I am inclined to accept the job offer.(我大概会接受这个职位。)相反是disincline,不愿意;例如︰Children of rich people are usually disinclined to work.(有钱人的子女通常都不愿工作。)

Snotty解having or showing a superior or conceited attitude,自大的、高傲的、看不起人的。人的心理就是这样,愈难加入的圈子就会愈想成为一分子,高级品牌店售货员愈看不起顾客,顾客就愈会买得多,因为想加入高级消费者行列。



A woman’s touch – but not a man’s – makes people of either sex looser with their money, so when that saleswoman touches your shoulder, you may unwittingly(不知不觉地) end up spending more.

August Bullock的The Secret Sales Pitch: An Overview of Subliminal Advertising是下意识推销术的大全,可细阅看看自己曾中过多少招。

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加拿大女子急需肝移植 男友主动捐肝 但医院拒绝: 她是酒鬼 不救!