英語趣談:名字的tip of the tongue經驗





隨意選擇  沒同義詞

心理學家Lise Abrams和Danielle Davis也有這個疑問。他們的觀察發現,名字和其他字有四個重要的分別。心理學教授David Ludden也在”Why We Forget Names (But Not Faces)”一文中引述該研究。

首先,”Names are arbitrary.”(名字是隨意的選擇。)Arbitrary是形容詞,解based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system,隨意的、隨機的、任意的,沒有理由、規例或系統作為基礎的。An arbitrary decision是沒有理由或根據的決定。

Ordinary words consistently(一貫地) refer to the same kind of thing. If I tell you I have an apple in my backpack, you have a pretty good idea what that object looks like. But if I tell you I have a friend named Brad, you know absolutely nothing about him.

第二,”Names don’t have synonyms.”(名字沒有同義詞。)當我們一時間想不起一個字,可用其他相近的字來表達同一意思,但名字就沒有這個彈性。記不起名字經常發生,所以有時會聽到別人說:「那個誰、那個……」但你所指的是Peter,斷不能arbitrarily找個其他名字替代。”People’s names don’t have synonyms – there are no substitutes(替代品).”

多於一字  較少用上

第三,”Names contain multiple words.”(名字通常有多於一個字。)名字一般最少兩個字,西方或有些文化的名字可以有五、六個字甚至超過十個字。當然日常使用只是一個字的first name,但名字的multiple words特性增加了記住的難度。

另外,”Names are low-frequency words.”(名字是少用的字。)Frequency可指rate of vibration,wave,頻率,如low frequency radio wave(低頻的電波)。Frequency也解rate of occurrence,發生率、頻密程度。”Low-frequency words”不是發音低沉的字,而是少用、少遇上的字。

Among ordinary words, a tip-of-the-tongue experience is more common with low-frequency words like “disseminate(傳播)” than with high-frequency words like “spread.”

Even when the components(要素、成分) of names are common, such as “Tom” and “Hanks” or “Brad” and “Pitt,” their combinations(組合) (”Tom Hanks” and “Brad Pitt”) still occur much less frequently.

Tip of the tongue解差一點就想起某事,例如︰I have his name at the tip of my tongue.(他的名字就在我嘴邊,卻說不出來。)

Memory(記憶),就是這樣難以捉摸。但記性好對於讀書、做事都一定有幫助,Kevin Horsley的Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive,教你一些增強記憶力的竅門。

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完不成北约军费目标 杜鲁多将在峰会上被点名羞辱