

文︰Annabelle M.

四年一度的國際足球盛事「世界盃」, 現在進行得如火如荼!觀看世界盃足球賽不只是娛

1. FIFA World Cup / WorldCup (n phr) 世界盃
例句:FIFA World Cup, often known as the World Cup, is held every four years

(「FIFA世界盃」常簡稱為「世界盃」,是每四年舉行一次的足球賽事。 )

2. Contest (v) 競逐
例句:The World Cup is an international football competition
contested by the national teams of different countries all over theworld.

(世界盃是全球各國的足球國家隊都會參與競逐的國際足球賽事。 )

3. Tournament (n) 比賽
例句:The tournament was not held in 1942 and 1946 owing to the outbreak of the Second World War.

(由於爆發第二次世界大戰,這個比賽並沒有在1942年和1946年舉行。 )

4. Qualification phrase (nphr) 資格賽階段
例句:Before a team can join the World Cup, it must undergo and pass the qualification phrase successfully.

(球隊必須成功通過資格賽階段, 才可以參加世界盃。 )

5. Prestigious (adj) 享負盛名的
例句:The World Cup is one of the most prestigious football
tournaments in the world because of its worldwide recognition.

(世界盃是全球最享負盛名的足球賽事之一,因為這個比賽得到全球的認可。 )

6. Cumulative (adj) 累積的
例句:According to the statistics, there are as many as 27 billion cumulative audience who have watched the World Cup.

(根據統計資料,曾觀看世界盃的累積觀眾人數高達270億。 )

7. Demonstration sport (nphr) 表演示範運動
例句:Since football can be a demonstration sport, it constantly grows in popularity worldwide.

(由於足球可以成為表演示範運動項目,所以它在全球的流行程度不斷提高。 )

8. Amateur player (n phr)業餘球員
例句:This year, an amateur player from Iceland’s national football team has surprised the world as his performance is even better than many professional

(今年,來自冰島國家足球隊的一名業餘球員的表現,令全球球迷感到驚訝,因為他的表現比許多職業球員還要好。 )

9. Defend the title (clause)衛冕某頭銜
例句:The winning team of last year tried their very best to defend their champion title.

(去年的冠軍隊竭盡全力,希望衛冕冠軍頭銜。 )

10. Pave the way (clause)為……鋪路/做好準備
例句:The Olympic Games paved the way for the world’s first  intercontinental football competition.



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Annabelle Mak II / Annabelle M. 英皇教育

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