英语学习:Rule of law也有荒谬之处




自由社会最重要的制度之一是rule of law。Oxford Dictionary对rule of law的解释是:The restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.(以清晰和确立的法律,约束肆意的行使权力,这就是法治。)

Rule of law是香港法制的重要原则,亦受《基本法》保障。Rule of law的实质意义,Department of Justice(律政司)有这样的阐述:

At the heart of Hong Kong’s system of government lies the principle that no one, including the Chief Executive, can do an act which would otherwise constitute a legal wrong or affect a person’s liberty unless he can point to a legal justification for that action.



法律面前人人平等,人人受法律同样的保障,要rule of law有效运作,大家自然都要尊重法律,不过有些法律,真的很难值得尊重。皆因真是十分古怪。这不是说一些与西方文化差异很大的地区,即使先进发达的美国,奇怪、难明、荒谬或无聊的法律每个州都有。Reader’s Digest一篇文章”Here are 50 of the dumbest laws in every state”就罗列了不少。Dumb解不能言语的,也解愚蠢的。Dumbest就解最愚蠢的,那就看看有多dumb。

For chicken chompers(大声咀嚼的人)in Gainesville, Georgia, “finger-lickin’” is not a suggestion – it is mandatory(强制的). Thanks to a 1961 law added to the city code as a publicity stunt(宣传噱头), it is illegal to eat fried chicken in “the poultry capital of the world” with anything other than your fingers. A tourist was “arrested” for such a chicken-forking violation in 2009.



It is illegal to build, maintain, or use a nuclear weapon within Chico, California city limits. A law that began in the ‘80s as a serious anti-nuke(反核的)statement has taken on a second life as an Internet joke, mainly due to the purported(据称的)consequences: In addition to self-annihilation(自毁), the infraction also carries a $500 fine.



摄影师Olivia Locher在I Fought the Law书中亦搜罗了美国各州的古怪法律,并以影像陈述。有些法律今时今日看似荒谬,但在当年确有其作用,例如在裤的后袋放雪糕筒是犯法。Olivia Locher解释:

The legend(传说)suggests that it became common practice for horse thieves to lure(饵诱)horses away with ice cream cones. The horse, unable to resist the sweetness, would follow the thief, resulting in a situation where the burglar(窃匪)could announce, “I didn’t steal him, he followed me!”



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