英語學習:Nonpareil job security對你重要嗎?






When you are selecting a career there’s a lot riding on your decision. You want to pick an occupation in which you can be successful for many years to come. While you can change careers, doing so can be effortful.

Ride on解depend on,賴於、取決於。 Career解職業、事業。 “There’s a lot riding on your decision”,選擇職業的決定對你的前路影響深遠。你當然可以轉行,但這卻會是effortful。 Effortful解requiring or exhibiting strenuous physical or mental exertion,勞心勞力。
職業顧問Dawn Rosenberg McKay說,選擇職業不應只聽別人的意見。

Many people think they should have a say in what career you choose – your parents, your friends, your significant other(配偶、伴侶). They don’t. In most cases, your decision will have little impact(影響) on the other people in your life. You, however, will have to deal with your choice for years to come. Make sure the career you choose is something you want to spend your day doing.



事實上,很多大家嚮往的職業未必適合自己。另一名事業顧問Martin Nemko就認為,以醫生、律師作為職業未必如想像中理想,這些行業是overrated(被評價過高的)。

The only health care careers I recommend are optometrist(驗光師、視光師), audiologist(聽力師), and orthodontist(牙齒矯正醫師) because they have high cure rates and regular hours, and physician assistant because the training is much shorter than for an MD yet get to do much of what docs do, and earn a six-figure income.



相反地​​,有些工作是underrated(被評價過低的),像政府工。 “More often, people are satisfied working in government because of the pro-social mission, nonpareil(無可匹敵的) job security(職位保障), excellent benefits, relatively short work hours, and even good pay.”他的Careers for Dummies介紹了各行各業的實況。

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