

turtle in nature



Delusion解錯覺、妄想。To be under delusion是有錯覺。Delude是動詞,解欺騙。Delude others是騙人,self-delusion就是自欺。Psychology: Essential Thinkers, Classic Theories, and How They Inform Your World的作者、臨牀心理學家Andrea Bonior說,自欺是人之常情,人人都會不時對自己說謊,而這未必是壞事。

Plenty of these lies are harmless or even beneficial, as we try to lessen the friction that daily life can generate(產生). But what about the lies we cling to more stubbornly(頑固地), the ones that become ingrained(根深柢固的、難以清除的) and that influence our behavior in ways that might not be for the best? 




Tomorrow, I’ll start fresh. Today I might as well not try. 


And of course it digs an even deeper hole for you to get out of tomorrow. This mindset(心態、想法) is classic all-or-none-thinking, where you convince yourself you need a perfectly clean slate of a fresh day (or a fresh year!) in order to make some positive changes.

Slate是用來寫字的石板,to wipe the slate clean解既往不咎,或把以往的過錯(或不和、債務等)一筆勾銷。”A perfectly clean slate of a fresh day”是新一天從頭再來。要改就一次過改,若要逐小的、一步步的改進就不如不改。這種就是”classic all-or-none-thinking”,典型的「非全有即全無」心態。不過,這隻我們哄騙自己、裹足不前的謊話。

But, think about it: why? Why isn’t progress(進步) at 8:56 pm the same as progress first thing in the morning? If you’re looking to keep your house organized, save your money, exercise, eat healthier foods or be kinder to your loved ones, you only make it harder to reach that goal by refusing to take advantage of the opportunity in front of you – right here, right now, no matter how far “gone” the day seems. 



第二種常見的自欺方法就是對自己說:”I just need more willpower.”(我需要更大的意志力。)

Yes, self-discipline(自律) is an asset, and plenty of successful people seem to benefit from having truckloads of it. But lots of other people have increased their productivity(生產力) and happiness simply by changing their environments, making it easier for them to adopt the habits they want. 

與其等自己慢慢培養意志力,不如藉助環境,例如覺得自己花錢太多,可以把不必要的信用卡剪掉;不想半夜睡覺時仍不斷check smartphone,就索性別把電話帶上牀。


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