向拜登传递“强硬讯息” 朝鲜数周内或核试验


This Thursday, July 25, 2019, photo provided on Friday, July 26, 2019, by the North Korean government shows a test of a missile launch in North Korea. A day after two North Korean missile launches rattled Asia, the nation announced Friday that its leader Kim Jong Un supervised a test of a new-type tactical guided weapon that was meant to be a "solemn warning" about South Korean weapons introduction and its rival's plans to hold military exercises with the United States. Independent journalists were not given access to cover the event depicted in this image distributed by the North Korean government. The content of this image is as provided and cannot be independently verified. Korean language watermark on image as provided by source reads: "KCNA" which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP)


华盛顿智库布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)专家李维亚(Evans Revere,国务院前助理国务卿)认为,朝鲜未来几周可能试射核武或长程导弹,向总统当选人拜登传递“强硬讯息”,强迫美国关注朝鲜。


经济学人资讯社(EIU)亚洲问题专家阿登瓦拉(Waqas Adenwala)也同意此观点,称“朝鲜时常透过各种导弹试射保持‘相关性’,确保(朝鲜)议题维持关键、优先的外交政策。”拜登不学特朗普与金正恩搞哥俩好的关系。2019年朝鲜批拜登污辱朝鲜尊严,是一只“必须被棍棒打死”的“疯狗”。拜登竞选期间也以纳粹比拟金正恩,称对方是一名“恶棍”。

此外,也有一些专家担心,拜登对于朝鲜的态度将如欧巴马时代“过度消极”,这只会导致朝鲜继续扩增核武实力。英国智库皇家联合研究所(RUSI)研究员瓦里尔(Cristina Varriale)指出,消极态度“没有真正发挥作用,特朗普2016年上任时,朝鲜在核武方面已经达到一定程度的先进水准”。


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