Rhone Capital获准增持Hudson’s Bay


A woman holds a Hudson's Bay shopping bag in front of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) flagship department store in Toronto January 27, 2014. Hudson's Bay Co said on Monday that it would sell its flagship downtown Toronto store and neighboring executive offices for C$650 million ($587.09 million) to Cadillac Fairview Corp and open a full-line Saks store in the leased-back space. The Canadian retailer, which completed its $2.4 billion purchase of U.S. luxury chain Saks Inc late last year, said it expects to open an approximately 150,000 square-foot, multi-level Saks in the fall of 2015, co-located with the current Hudson's Bay store. REUTERS/Mark Blinch (CANADA - Tags: BUSINESS)

■Hudson’s Bay与Land & Buildings达成协议,换取后者停止反对有投资者入股Hudson’s Bay。 资料图片



老牌大型零售商Hudson’s Bay(TSX:HBC)周五宣布与投资管理公司Land & Buildings达成协议,Land & Buildings同意停止反对私募基金Rhone Capital购入Hudson’s Bay股权。

投资管理公司Land & Buildings上月向安省证监会(OSC)提出申请,要求证监会就多伦多证券交易所(TSE)决定有条件批准Rhone Capital入股Hudson’s Bay进行上诉聆讯。

根据双方达成的协议,Hudson’s Bay将须透过发行股票集资,触动Rhone Capital所购入优先股的一年价格保护条款,然后Hudson’s Bay透过发行股权,让全部股东按持股比例供股,有别于私人配售形式。此外,Land & Buildings亦同意在Hudson’s Bay 2018年股东周年大会前不采取进一步行动。

Rhone Capital较早前同意以购入8年强制性可兑换优先股形式,投资约6.32亿元于Hudson’s Bay。这项投资协议亦包括Hudson’s Bay把美国Lord & Taylor Fifth Avenue一幢物业,售给WeWork和Rhone Capital的合资企业WeWork Property Advisors。

过去数周,Hudson’s Bay与Land &Building互相指责,直斥对方在出售美国物业和相关Rhone Capital投资误导投资者。Rhone Capital最初将持有Hudson’s Bay的21.8%股权,然后逐步增至30%。

Hudson’s Bay预期Rhone Capital的投资计划,将于下周完成。

Hudson’s Bay行政主席贝克(Richard Baker)表示,公司将会继续评估其持有的房产组合,确保为公司和投资者带来最大利益。


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