Uber承认错扣司机薪资 拟偿还数千万!


File illustration picture showing the logo of car-sharing service app Uber on a smartphone next to the picture of an official German taxi sign in Frankfurt, September 15, 2014. A Frankfurt court earlier this month instituted a temporary injunction against Uber from offering car-sharing services across Germany. San Francisco-based Uber, which allows users to summon taxi-like services on their smartphones, offers two main services, Uber, its classic low-cost, limousine pick-up service, and Uberpop, a newer ride-sharing service, which connects private drivers to passengers - an established practice in Germany that nonetheless operates in a legal grey area of rules governing commercial transportation. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach/Files (GERMANY - Tags: BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT CRIME LAW TRANSPORT)



《华尔街日报》报道,优步表示,他们将把超收佣金连同利息一并退还给司机,每位司机约可获得900美元。优步拒绝透露赔偿金额,但若按照纽约市独立司机协会(Independent Drivers Guild)估计纽约有5万名司机来看,总金额至少达到4500万美元。

只要曾签署过2014年协议的纽约市司机都能获得这笔赔偿。优步表示,他们是在为司机制作详细薪资明细时发现这个错误。优步美加地区总经理霍特(Rachel Holt)表示:“我们犯了错,而我们承诺以最快速度偿还每位司机赚得的每一分钱并加上利息。我们努力重拾司机对我们的信任,这意味着我们必须行事透明、坚守承诺,并让优步体验变得更好。”这样的计算错误非首次,优步今年3月也发生类似事件,当时优步承认自2015年8月起苛扣费城司机的薪资,从原本规定的20%错误扣成25%,后来支付430万美元薪资加利息解决此事。

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