谭耕夫人黄幸来被拒党内提名选举 发感谢信给5000名支持者


9月6日黄幸来博士(Dr Laura Xinglai Huang)接获自由党竞选委员会主席正式通知,没有获得推荐竞选委员会同意参与党内提名选举。她称通知令她无比震惊,上百名竞选团队成员更是无比愤怒。

2019年7月4日,黄幸来博士(Dr Laura Xinglai Huang)正式宣布竞选当谷北区(DVN)的自由党党内提名。黄幸来博士也是华裔联邦国会议员谭耕的太太。这个选区还有前安省议员董晗鹏、女律师江邦固两位华裔角逐联邦自由党的党内提名。










作为一个20多年来长期义务服务社区,和一些社区草根组织的组织者和创始人, 在过去的5年中,我在完成自己本职工作之外,还积极义务服务了许多DVN选区的机构,社区组织与居民,与大家一起讨论过自由党领袖所提倡的公平,开放,透明的提名竞选的疑问。


Dr. Laura Huang 黄幸来Dr. Laura Huang 黄幸来联邦自由党及领袖经常说要鼓励女性参选。在自由党的网页上一直写着“Invite her to run” “邀请她参选”。


现在请把口号由“邀请她参选””Invite Her Run”变成“让她参选””Let Her Run”吧!




如果你们愿意,在9月12日你们可以前往投票。September 12, 2019 with voting from 5:30 pm to

9:30 pm at The Hallcrown, 45 Hallcrown Place。我的名字将不会出现在选票上。但你们可以写下任何人的名字或者是党指定的任何一人。如果你们的声音发出去了,也许将来有一天,一个有着5000多名支持者的女性不会被几个大众所看不.的人而拦截,能终将迎来公正,透明和开放的提名选举!



Laura Huang


Dear Friends,

Thank you for supporting me in the upcoming nomination for the riding of Don Valley North.

Through your support and the hard work of our dedicated volunteers, we have gone from the 3rd candidate to enter the race to be the lead candidate in the race with over 5,000 supporters. I know that with your continuing support at the nomination, we were on our way to winning the nomination together!

However, on Friday afternoon, I received a letter from Nikki Hipkin, the National Campaign Co-Chair that the Green Light Committee did not recommend my candidacy for nomination. No reasons were given!

The decision to stop me from running came as a complete shock. The fact that no reasons were given further fuels my anger. Like you, we don’t want to be accused, judged, and sentenced without even hearing the charges.

As an employee of a Federal department, I must be rigorously reviewed by my employer and the Public Service Commission of Canada before I am permitted to stand for nomination for any party. This is a very thorough process which I am pleased to say that I was approved by my Federal employer and the Public Service Commission of Canada to run for the nomination. Sadly, party politics are different.

As a scientist, working on the environment, weather forecast and global climate change challenge, I can add a valuable fact-based voice to our election debate on these issues. We need more scientists and less politics to solve the challenge of our generation.

As an active member of the Don Valley North community for over 20 years, with a highly regarded professional career, and having served side by side with many of you in the riding for the past five years, I share with many of our supporters in questioning the fair, open and transparent nomination that the Liberal leader often claims.

How can we have a fair, open and transparent nomination, when a secretive backroom committee can decide without reasons on who YOU can vote for in the upcoming nomination? You all know me and my qualifications. I have no doubt that if we only signed 50 supporters instead of 5,000 supporters, my candidacy would be approved.

Dr. Laura Huang Dr. Laura Huang
As a Party, we have been encouraging more women candidates to run. This is the message from our feminist leader. It’s also right there in our Party’s website “Invite her to run”.

A nomination battle is often a major barrier for women candidates so, when a woman candidate steps forward and rallies over 5,000 supporters for the Liberal Party, in what might be the largest nomination effort by any woman candidate, it’s extremely heartbreaking when she is stopped from running by backroom games.

What signal are we sending to generations of young woman from coast to coast, when a woman’s campaign signs 5,000 supporters and is barred from the Liberal nomination?

Instead of a slogan “invite her to run” what we need is a real message to women and “let her run.”

I have written to the National Campaign Co-Chairs and the Green Light Committee to disclose the reasons why I am stopped from standing for the nomination. I am proud of my record and my standing in the community. It’s 2019, let a woman candidate be judged by the 5,000 and more Liberal supporters of the riding, and not the backroom people of the party.

One thing that I take away from this entire nomination process is that I am humbled and proud that I had a chance to meet all of you and to be able to walk side by side with you in the past months.

Although, the National Campaign Co-Chairs and the Green Light Committee have taken away my voice, a woman’s voice, they can never take away YOUR VOICE.

You can still vote!

The nomination meeting has been called for Thursday, September 12, 2019 with voting from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm at The Hallcrown, 45 Hallcrown Place.

My name will not be on the ballot, but you can write in any name you wish. Or you can vote for one of the party’s approved candidates. And if 5,000 voices speak up, maybe a woman’s voice will be heard by the secretive backroom people and one day we might truly have a fair, open and transparent nomination.

Humbly yours,
Laura Huang

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