震惊!多伦多未来7年 将现14.2亿赤字!


- Located in Toronto downtown core at the Yonge St. and Bloor St. intersection, 8 Park Road was completed in 2003. Soaring 28-storeys, residential units start seven floors above street level. - Open-concept, the dining room features a hardwood floor, a large floor-to-ceiling window, and a double closet. - The spacious living room boasts a hardwood floor and a large and wide floor-to-ceiling window. - With views from a large floor-to-ceiling window, the master bedroom has plenty of natural light. It also features a hardwood floor and a built-in wardrobe. - The open-concept den could serve as a home office, with a hardwood floor and room enough for book shelves and a desk. - The kitchen overlooks the living room with highlights including a large counter that also serves as a two-seater breakfast bar with a granite counter and a double sink, a built-in dishwasher, a built-in oven and stove top, pot lights, a ceramic tile floor, a stone backsplash. - The front door of the unit opens to a foyer that features a ceramic tile floor, a double closet and crown moulding. - The four-piece main bathroom boasts a soaker tub and a marble countertop. Uploaded external by: Harness, Allison


多伦多市府经理华莱士(Peter Wallace)周一发表财政报告,指市府未来7年将面对14.2亿赤字。下届市政府将面对财政短缺,市政服务有可能因此削减。

下月将卸任市府经理,并到渥太华出任库务委员会秘书的华莱士,提交这份这份迟来的财政报告,市长庄德利(John Tory)负责的行政委员会将需要于下星期一,检讨报告。





该报告建议,各部门大幅减省人手、成立类似安省基建厅(Infrastructure Ontario)的机构,直接监管市府公共资产、倡议省政府改善发展拨款审批,量入为出、积极考虑将多伦多电力公司(Toronto Hydro)及多伦多泊车管理局(Toronto Parking Authority)私营化。

华莱士亦提到,除了节流,市府亦应开源,包括已经被韦恩政府否决的嘉甸拿高速公路(the Gardiner Expressway)及当河谷高速公路(Don Valley Parkway)道路收费计划。

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