美拟向进口钢铝征税 增加NAFTA难题


A Hyundai Steel plant is seen in Dangjin, about 130 km (81 miles) southwest of Seoul, in this June 15, 2011 file picture. About four years ago, Hyundai Motor 005380.KS considered shifting from steel to aluminium body parts for its Genesis sedan to make it lighter, more fuel-efficient and more competitive with German luxury marques, two people familiar with the matter said. Its affiliate Kia Motors 000270.KS made a similar move, building test versions of its premium K9 sedan, called K900 in the United States, using aluminium in body panels including the door, hood and trunk lid, two other people told Reuters. But the South Korean duo, which together rank fifth in global auto sales, opted for steel instead, deterred by the cost and, according to two of those individuals, hamstrung by close ties with sister steelmaker Hyundai Steel Co. To match ASIA-AUTOS/ALUMINIUM REUTERS/Lee Jae-Won/Files (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: BUSINESS TRANSPORT)
■美国计划就多国输美的钢材铝材征税。 资料图片


美国总统特朗普计划向进口钢材和铝材征收关税,势将严重影响本国经济发展,对《北美自由贸易协定》(NAFTA)谈判增加不确定性。安省省长韦恩(Kathleen Wynne)指关税会严重影响安省生产的汽车价格,是个值得关注的议题。



刚在美国华盛顿完成访问的韦恩与魁省省长库亚尔(Philippe Couillard)表示,到访期间曾经与多名主要官员会面,虽然美方没有官员明言会退出NAFTA,但韦恩认为钢材和铝材关税也是值得关注的议题,因为关税严重影响安省生产的汽车价格:“任何明白汽车供应链的人,都会明白这(关税)会给我们带来问题,我认为这值得大家关注。”

加拿大铝业集团Rio Tinto Aluminium行政总裁巴里奥斯(Alf Barrios)也发声明表示:“加拿大的铝材一直是美国制造商可靠和安全的进口材料,包括国防工业。”

加拿大向美国提供铝材的关系根深柢固,例如在魁北克Saguenay区的加军Bagotville基地,就是特别为保护在区内向美国提供铝材的炼厂。加拿大驻美大使麦诺顿(David MacNaughton)也说:“我们继续期望加拿大不在关税名单之中,铝材对美国军事方面是特别重要的材料。”


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