

In this Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2019, image from video, New Zealand House Speaker Trevor Mallard bottle-feeds lawmaker Tamati Coffey's baby, Tutanekai Smith-Coffey, while presiding over a debate in parliament in Wellington, New Zealand. Mallard said Friday, Aug. 23, 2019, he??s been trying to make parliament a more baby-friendly place since taking on the role nearly two years by adding baby chairs, family rooms and soon, a slide. He??s also increased the flexibility around family leave for lawmakers. (Parliament TV via AP)
■In this Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2019, image from video, New Zealand House Speaker Trevor Mallard bottle-feeds lawmaker Tamati Coffey’s baby, Tutanekai Smith-Coffey, while presiding over a debate in parliament in Wellington, New Zealand. Mallard said Friday, Aug. 23, 2019, he??s been trying to make parliament a more baby-friendly place since taking on the role nearly two years by adding baby chairs, family rooms and soon, a slide. He??s also increased the flexibility around family leave for lawmakers. (Parliament TV via AP)

  (星岛日报报道)新西兰众议院议长马拉德(Trevor Mallard)周三被拍到在议会内拿着奶瓶,替一名同志议员的一个月大儿子喂奶,好让这名议员专心问政,专注激烈的辩论。这幅温馨画面在网上疯传,许多人对他赞誉有加。马拉德也在Twitter分享这个影像,并说:“今天有一名贵宾与我共坐一张椅子。”一名网友说:“感谢你们将家庭单位正常化。”也有人说:“我们需要看到更多这样的景象,工作场所需要改变,允许这样的做法。”男婴图塔内凯是工党议员柯菲(Tamati Coffey)和伴侣史密斯透过代理孕母生下的。

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