宾顿一雀鸟店售“病雀” 可令人类感染鹦鹉热病


Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) are seen inside their cage at The Kamala Nehru Zoolgical Garden in Ahmedabad on January 3, 2009. Cockatiel are the smallest and genuinely miniature cockatoo endemic to Australia. They are prized as a household pet throughout the world and are relatively easy to breed. As a caged bird Cockatiels are second only in popularity to the Budgerigar. Generally, well-socialized birds are gentle and friendly. Some cockatiels enjoy physical contact, lending themselves well to taming. Many cockatiel owners develop regular bonding rituals with their animals, engaging in preening, scratching, and even petting. A cockatiel that wishes to be petted will often lower his head or nibble at the owner's fingers to indicate that it wishes to have its head and neck scratched (two places it can't easily scratch on its own), and will emit a low squawk to show its pleasure. Cockatiels which are hand-fed and purchased from a young age are more readily suited for physical contact. AFP PHOTO/Sam PANTHAKY



宾顿市一个家庭式雀鸟店出售的鸡尾鹦鹉(Cockatiel)经检验后,证实带有禽衣原体病(Avian Chlamydiosis),可以令人类患上鹦鹉热病(Psittacosis)。皮尔区公共卫生局暂时未接到有人染病的个案,并相信公共安全的风险很低,但呼吁近日曾透过网上买鹦鹉的民众,应带雀鸟检查。

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