

【加拿大都市网】根据多伦多市政府(City of Toronto)最新消息,市政府的50个自动测速仪(Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE))在今年9月6日至10月6日期间总共开出了9,719张超速罚单。不过,从本周起,这50个自动测速仪都将被移动到新地点,以解决更大范围内的安全问题,所有新地点均已张贴指示牌,以预先警告司机,望各位司机留意。

根据上一期的数据,Gateway Boulevard (Ward 16, Don Valley East) 的自动测速仪开出的罚单最多,有955张,占了总数的近10%。

另外,最高金额的罚单是$706,事发地点是Bicknell Avenue, South of Avon Drive (Ward 5, York-South Weston),一个司机在限速30km/h的路上开了78km/h,。




  • Ward 1 (Etobicoke North): Golfdown Drive, east of Turpin Avenue
  • Ward 1 (Etobicoke North): Mount Olive Drive, west of Kipling Avenue
  • Ward 2 (Etobicoke Centre): The Kingsway, south of Hartfield Road
  • Ward 2 (Etobicoke Centre): Mill Road, north of Bloor Street West
  • Ward 3 (Etobicoke Lakeshore): Mimico Avenue, west of Station Road
  • Ward 3 (Etobicoke Lakeshore): Stanley Avenue, near Elizabeth Street
  • Ward 4 (Parkdale High Park): Willard Avenue, near Rexford Road
  • Ward 4 (Parkdale High Park): Mountview Avenue, near 51 Mountview Ave.
  • Ward 5 (York-South Weston): Rockcliffe Boulevard, near Rockcliffe Court
  • Ward 5 (York-South Weston): Jane Street, north of Lambton Avenue
  • Ward 6 (York Centre): Ancaster Road, near Plewes Road
  • Ward 6 (York Centre): Dovehouse Avenue, west of Keele Street
  • Ward 7 (Humber River-Black Creek): Topcliff Avenue, near 96 Topcliff Ave.
  • Ward 7 (Humber River-Black Creek): Gracedale Boulevard, near Crimscott Road
  • Ward 8 (Eglinton-Lawrence): Avenue Road, near Castlefield Avenue
  • Ward 8 (Eglinton-Lawrence): Bedford Park Avenue, west of Yonge Street
  • Ward 9 (Davenport): Laughton Avenue, near Talbot Street
  • Ward 9 (Davenport): Ruskin Avenue, west of Perth Avenue
  • Ward 10 (Spadina Fort-York): Denison Avenue, south of Grange Avenue
  • Ward 10 (Spadina Fort-York): Brant Street, south of Adelaide Street West
  • Ward 11 (University-Rosedale): Orde Street, west of Murray Street
  • Ward 11 (University-Rosedale): Essex Street, west of Christie Street
  • Ward 12 (Toronto-St. Paul’s): Ava Road, east of Westover Hill Road
  • Ward 12 (Toronto-St. Paul’s): Tweedsmuir Avenue, south of Heath Street West
  • Ward 13 (Toronto Centre): Sherbourne Street, south of Wellesley Street East
  • Ward 13 (Toronto Centre): Berkeley Street, south of Gerrard Street East
  • Ward 14 (Toronto Danforth): Dundas Street East, east of Broadview Avenue
  • Ward 14 (Toronto Danforth): Lesmount Avenue, south of Cosburn Avenue
  • Ward 15 (Don Valley West): Erskine Avenue, west of Redpath Avenue
  • Ward 15 (Don Valley West): Thorncliffe Park Drive, near 79 Thorncliffe Park Dr.
  • Ward 16 (Don Valley East): Fenside Drive, south of Roywood Drive
  • Ward 16 (Don Valley East): Underhill Drive, near Beveridge Drive
  • Ward 17 (Don Valley North): Sheppard Avenue East, west of Don Mills Road
  • Ward 17 (Don Valley North): Seneca Hill Drive, west of Don Mills Road
  • Ward 18 (Willowdale): Doris Avenue, north of Spring Garden Avenue
  • Ward 18 (Willowdale): Church Avenue, east of Doris Avenue
  • Ward 19 (Beaches-East York): Kingston Road, near Heyworth Crescent
  • Ward 19 (Beaches-East York): Spruce Hill Road, north of Queen Street East
  • Ward 20 (Scarborough Southwest): Edge Park Avenue, east of Victoria Park Avenue
  • Ward 20 (Scarborough Southwest): Birchcliff Avenue, near Freeman Street
  • Ward 21 (Scarborough Centre): Ellesmere Road, east of Mondeo Drive
  • Ward 21 (Scarborough Centre): Gooderham Drive, south of Murray Glen Drive
  • Ward 22 (Scarborough Agincourt): Birchmount Road, north of Bay Mills Boulevard
  • Ward 22 (Scarborough Agincourt): Southlawn Drive, near Buena Vista Avenue
  • Ward 23 (Scarborough North): McCowan Road, north of Kenhatch Boulevard
  • Ward 23 (Scarborough North): Brimwood Boulevard, near Bridley Drive
  • Ward 24 (Scarborough-Guildwood): Scarborough Golf Club Road, north of Lawrence Avenue East
  • Ward 24 (Scarborough-Guildwood): Holmfirth Terrace, west of Vanwart Drive
  • Ward 25 (Scarborough-Rouge Park): Charlottetown Boulevard, near McCulley Street
  • Ward 25 (Scarborough Rouge Park): Durnford Road, north of Rylander Boulevard


(Ref: https://www.toronto.ca/news/automated-speed-enforcement-devices-issue-more-than-9700-tickets-during-third-month-of-operations/)

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