美國男子偷400元 被監禁36年


In this Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019 photo, Alvin Kennard sits in the courtroom before his hearing in Bessemer, Ala. Kennard, sentenced to life in prison in 1983, for stealing $50.75 will have his time cut short after being resentenced to time served. Kennard, 58, was ordered to be released from prison Wednesday after serving 36 years and is set to be processed out by the Alabama Department of Corrections. It's unclear when Kennard will be released. (Ivana Hrynkiw/The Birmingham News via AP)
■In this Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019 photo, Alvin Kennard sits in the courtroom before his hearing in Bessemer, Ala. Kennard, sentenced to life in prison in 1983, for stealing $50.75 will have his time cut short after being resentenced to time served. Kennard, 58, was ordered to be released from prison Wednesday after serving 36 years and is set to be processed out by the Alabama Department of Corrections. It’s unclear when Kennard will be released. (Ivana Hrynkiw/The Birmingham News via AP)

  (星島日報報道)美國一名黑人男子多年前偷五十美元(約四百港元),竟被重判終身監禁,在服刑三十六年後,周三終於獲法官下令釋放。如今已五十八歲的肯納德(Alvin Kennard)來自阿拉巴馬州。他在一九七九年因三項二級盜竊罪被判緩刑三年,一九八三年再次因在一家麵包店偷盜五十元七角五仙美元,被判一級搶劫罪。根據阿拉巴馬州舊有的「慣犯重罪法」(又稱「三振出局法」),他被判處異常嚴厲的終身監禁。法官周三下令將他從監獄釋放,肯納德終於重獲自由,朋友和家人在法庭上情緒激動,跳起來舉臂慶祝。肯納德服刑前曾在木工和建築行業工作,據報道,他告訴法官他出獄後想當一名木匠。

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包装未注明含花生 两款华人爱吃的泡面被召回!

恐怖!万锦华人ATM取钱 被劫匪用枪指着抢走$3000现金!