

LOS ANGELES, CA - JULY 25: A budtender pours marijuana from a jar at Perennial Holistic Wellness Center medical marijuana dispensary, which opened in 2006, on July 25, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. The Los Angeles City Council has unanimously voted to ban storefront medical marijuana dispensaries and to order them to close or face legal action. The council also voted to instruct staff to draw up a separate ordinance for consideration in about three months that might allow dispensaries that existed before a 2007 moratorium on new dispensaries to continue to operate. It is estimated that Los Angeles has about one thousand such facilities. The ban does not prevent patients or cooperatives of two or three people to grow their own in small amounts. Californians voted to legalize medical cannabis use in 1996, clashing with federal drug laws. The state Supreme Court is expected to consider ruling on whether cities can regulate and ban dispensaries. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)


雖然一些保守黨的成員堅決反對大麻合法化的實施,但保守的參議院領導人Larry Smith周二表示,他的參議員不會「阻擾」,但會堅持嚴格徹底的審議。

大麻法案的捍衛者,發起人Tony Dean表示,大麻是個年收入70億的產業,對於政府來說這筆資金不應該流到犯罪組織手中。而且,禁止大麻也沒有對加拿大人的健康起很大的作用,還是很多年輕人食用大麻。(Rola編譯)

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