三菱中籍員工擅自炒原油產品 狂蝕逾3億美元


A destroyed installation in Saudi Arabia's Khurais oil processing plant is pictured on September 20, 2019. - Saudi Arabia said on September 17 its oil output will return to normal by the end of September, seeking to soothe rattled energy markets after attacks on two instillations that slashed its production by half. The strikes on Abqaiq ? the world's largest oil processing facility ? and the Khurais oil field in eastern Saudi Arabia roiled energy markets and revived fears of a conflict in the tinderbox Gulf region. (Photo by Fayez Nureldine / AFP)
■■油價近日因沙特石油綜合報道設施遇襲而上漲。圖為 損毀嚴重的沙特胡賴斯 石油加工廠。 法新社

(星島日報報道)日本三菱商事(Mitsubishi Corp)昨日透露,其於新加坡的子公司因「流氓交易員」未經授權,私自進行原油及相關衍生產品的交易,目前估計損失約三億二千萬美元(約二十五億零七百萬港元)。據悉該「流氓交易員」為中國籍,現已被開除,三菱子公司已報警。

  三菱商事發佈聲明稱,這名違規的中國籍員工受雇於子公司「新加坡石油鑽石」(Petro-Diamond Singapore,簡稱PDS),負責業務是「處理與中國的原油交易」。



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