


Perspective是透視法,這是繪畫技術上的意思。但perspective也解a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something,對某事物的態度;a point of view,觀點。 To see things from a moral perspective解從道德的角度看待事物。
Perspective也解true understanding of the relative importance of things,對事物的相對輕重的真正理解、權衡輕重的能力。 To have a sense of perspective解明察事理;to put something into/in perspective解正確處理某事。

Perspective也解a sense of proportion,懂得分寸、有分寸感。做人、做事有perspective相當重要。 Steffan Surdek在Forbes的文章”Why understanding perspective is a key leadership skill”中,解釋perspective在機構管理中的意義。

他說有個好朋友經常對他說︰”Change how a situation occurs to you, change how you will respond to the situation.”(改變對一個情況的看法,就會改變你對情況的反應。)他指出也有人說︰”My perspective is my reality”(我的看法就是我的現實),但他認為perspective和reality有分別。

Perspective is the way individuals(個人) see the world. It comes from their personal point of view and is shaped by life experiences, values(價值觀), their current state of mind(目前的心境), the assumptions(假設) they bring into a situation, and a whole lot of other things.

Reality can be different things. We can easily say that my perspective is my reality. There is truth to that statement. When we look at the shared reality(共同的現實) of an event, though, the more perspectives you get, the closer to reality you get.

Steffan Surdek談的是機構管理,他想要帶出作為管理階層,不要以為自己的perspective就是唯一的現實。要團隊合作,達到共同的目標,就要盡量從最多的perspective看事物,例如試從下屬的perspective看,思考某種做法、公司的某個政策對員工的影響,就可以把事情處理得更好。


這是從function(實際用途)的perspective看perspective。但在個人層面,perspective的重要性就真的是”my perspective is my reality”。事物無絕對,事物的意義是基於你的perspective。

Samantha Sturken在”Why perspective is important”一文中,道出perspective的重要:

Perspective reminds us what’s important and what’s not. It helps us recognize(辨識) that we probably don’t need to dwell on(老是想着、放不下) one bad grade for too long, or wallow(沉緬於) for months on end about a relationship that we knew wouldn’t work out in the first place fulfilled its prophecy. It allows us to move on, to not sweat(花精力於) the small stuff, because the bigger, life-altering problems are still looming(逼近).

Zack Parker認為改善生活可以由改變perspective開始。他在Life Changer: Success in Life is a Matter of Perspective中指出,就算在最惡劣的境況下,調校自己的perspective可以帶來很多好處。遇上逆境,可試試這個perspective:

Sometimes we may just to have to accept that what we are going through could be happening to us just so that we can learn from the experience(從經驗中學習) and one day use that knowledge to help someone that we find in a similar situation .

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