



Alan Chan

故事寫作(Story Writing)的基本結構是由——起(Opening)、承(Development)、轉(Climax)、合(Resolution)——四大元素組成。寫作要求上,情節的鋪排最重要,其次是做到生動的敘述。寫作時則可參考以下一些寫作提示(Writing Tips):

1.Story Writing多為記敘文章(Narrative Writing)或虛構文章(Imaginative Writing)。

  1. Narrative Writing的常見主題如下:


約會(dating)、活動(camping, go toconcert, picnicking, partying, etc.)、校園生活(school life)、家庭生活(how to celebrate an important anniversary of your parents)等。


最頑皮的(most naughty)、最有趣的(most amusing) 、最尷尬的( m o s tembarrassing)、最獲啟發的(most inspiring)、最大的教訓(t h ehardest lesson)等的事。



  1. Imaginative Writing考的是幻想力,該創作一個圓滿的結局,所以結局不要說成是一場夢。

4.文法方面,人人皆知在故事中多用Past Tense(過去式),所以要好好溫習四種過去式的用法。

  1. 要寫一篇好的記敘文,必須準確描述每個動作,有關動作的詞彙包括吃、喝、笑、喊、行和說等。



Eating and drinkin

Gulp(狼吞虎咽):He gulpeddown the whole Christmas meal(聖誕大餐) as if he were an African famine victim(非洲饑民).

Sip(一小口喝):She bought a can of cola and sat there sipping it.

Has an appetite(有胃口):We had a good appetite and we ate to our heart’s content.

Full(吃飽):The greedy boy ate and drank until he was full up during the Christmas buffet.

Nibble(輕咬):Despite the delighting atmosphere of Christmas day, he was so unhappy that he only nibbled the roasted turkey.

Looking at people orthings

Stare(注視):He stared at the girl for several minutes before he finally recognized her.

Glance/Glimpse(瞥一下):He glanced/glimpsed at the clock tower on his way to the Tsim Sha Tsui promenade(尖沙嘴海旁).

Witness(目擊):I witnessed an accident on Christmas Eve.

Glare( 怒目而視) : M y girlfriend glared at me angrily as Iforgot to buy her a Christmas gift.

Peep(窺視):The neighbours were peeping at us from behind curtains.


Giggle(傻笑):Stop giggling like a silly child and be serious during the Christmas Service(聖誕崇拜).

Snigger/Snicker(竊笑):The boys sniggered/snickered when the girls said they could beat them at a

game of snowball.

Chukle(暗自笑):John chuckled when he saw his boss acting as Santa Claus.

Laugh(大笑):He laughed as if he won the lucky draw in the Christmas party.

Smile(微笑):He smiled to see her so happy.


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