


“看电影”一直都是DSE英文科热门考试主题之一。考评局曾于2015年的Paper 2 Writing Part B
Question 7,要求考生撰写报告书解释为什么香港人近年少去电影院,及建议方法刺激香港人看电影的意欲。由此可见,看电影与我们的日常生活息息相关。而近期首次筹办电影慈善筹款首映礼,更令我感到非常兴奋!以下教授10个关于“电影首映礼”的词汇。

1. Movie première (n phr) 电影首映礼

例句:A movie première is the first public presentation of a movie.(电影首映礼就是该电影的首次公开展示。

2. Adaptation (n) 改编

例句:The movie features some dinosaurs, in the adaptations
of the book “Jurassic Park”, which is a science fiction novel written in1990.(这部电影与恐龙有关,改编自一九九○年编写的一部科幻小说《侏罗纪公园》。

3. Moviegoer (n) 电影观众
例句:Some moviegoers complained that cinemas were always too cold, making the experience unpleasant.(一些电影观众抱怨说,电影院总是太冷,使他们的看电影经历不愉快。
4. Enthusiast (n) 爱好者
例句:The enthusiasts of the movie “The Avengers” were willing to book their tickets several months ago.(《复仇者》电影的爱好者愿意在几个月前预订电影门票。
5. Debut (v) 首次登场
例句:The movie is set to debut in the first week of June.(这部电影将于六月第一个星期登场。
6. Compile (v) 编制

例句: Some magazines compile a handy guide of the latest released movies to enable the public to make sense of everything that’s coming.(杂志编制了一本辑
7. Silver screen (n phr) 大银幕
例句:In this week, there are as many as 5 silver screen releases which have been set to debut during this week!(在本周内,将会有多达五部新电影登上大银幕!
8. Box office (n phr) 电影售票处、票房
例句:As this movie is very popular, it may have a record breaking weekend at the box office.(由于这部电影非常受欢迎,它可能创下破纪录的周末票房。
9. Red carpet (n phr) 红地毯
例句:The new actress walked her very first red carpet for the première of the upcoming film.(这位新晋女演员首次为她即将上映的电影首映礼行红地毯。
10. Shatter (v) 打破
例句:This movie’s return has shattered the opening-weekend record previously held by another movie.(这部电影的收益打破了之前由另一部电影持有的周末开画票房纪录。
(来源:Annabelle M 英皇教育英文科实力导师,港大硕士级讲师,少数具备考评局研究工作经验。Facebook 专页︰ Annabelle Mak II /Annabelle M. 英皇教育)
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