

文︰Annabelle M ( 作者是英皇教育英文科实力导师,港大硕士级讲师,少数具备考评局研究工作经验。 Facebook专页︰ Annabelle Mak II / Annabelle M. 英皇教育)

近年,气候变得异常极端。 截至去年10月南中国7次遭受热带气旋吹袭,其中四个热带气旋强 度更达八级或以上。然而,去年 尾及今年初,却出现极端严寒天 气。2月1日更录得低至摄氏四 度! 全球各地都相继出现不同程度的天气反常异象,水灾、旱灾 等天灾经常发生。因此,极端气候变化是全球人类很重大的社会议题(Social Issues)。以下教授十个关于“极端气候变化”的词汇。 

1、Induce (v) 导致 例句:In recent years, some human activities may induce global warming.(近年,某些人类活动 可能导致全球暖化。) 

2、Attribute to (v phr) 归因于 例 句 : Recently , some extreme weather events have been attributed to the burning of fossil fuels.(最近,一些极端天气现象被归因于人类使用化石燃料。)

3、Monetize (v) 以金钱去衡量例句 : Some impacts , including the loss of human lives and ecosystems, are difficult to be valued and monetized. Therefore, they are poorly reflected in the estimated losses.(我们难以把人命 伤亡和生态系统的破坏进行估价 和以金钱去衡量。因此,很难把 这些伤亡和影响,反映在预期损 失中。) 

4、Abnormally (adv) 异常地 例句:Every year, heat waves, which are periods of abnormally high temperatures, kill hundreds of people in the USA.(每年,热浪 引起异常持续的极高气温,在美 国造成数百人死亡。)

5、Catastrophically (adv) 灾难性地例句:In Africa during summer, there is excessive heat. Meanwhile, it is catastrophically dry.(在夏季的非洲,天气实在炎热。同时,当地天气亦是灾难性地干燥。)

6、Hurricane (n) 飓风 例句:In the USA, there are hurricanes damaging crops every year.(在美国,飓风每年都会对农作物构成损害。) 

7、Susceptible (adj) 容易受 伤害或影响的 例 句 : Dried soils are susceptible to erosion, reducing the size of land available for agriculture.(干燥的土壤容易受到侵蚀,因而缩减了可用于农业的土地面积。)

8、Devastating (adj) 破坏性的 例句:The evaporation of sea water can be devastating to marine organisms and reduce the size of marine habitats.(当海洋的水被蒸发,这可能会对海洋生物构成威胁,并减少海洋栖息地的大小。)

9、Livestock (n) 家畜 例句:As the amount of food present within the ecosystem is reduced, the amount of livestock and other animal populations may drop as well.(由于生态系统内的 食物量减少,家畜和其他动物的物种数量也可能下降。) 

10、Power outage (n phr) 停电例句:When there is an increased demand for electricity within areas experiencing heat waves, power outages may occur. (在热浪发生的地区,人类对电力需求增加,这可能会引发停电。) 

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