

作者:Annabelle M.



1. Cave rescuer (n phr) 洞穴救援人员

例句:The cave rescuers decided to commence the dangerous
operation owing to the fears of rising waters.(由于担心水位上升,洞穴救援人员决定展开危险的拯救行动。)

2. Mission(n)任务

例句:The mission will be paused for 10 hours so that the professional divers can take enough rest for the next round of theoperation.(这个拯救任务将会暂停十小时,以便专业潜水员可以在下一轮拯救行动展开前,争取足够的休息时间。)

3. Operation(n)行动
例句:The operation to rescue the thirteen boys who were trapped in a cave has not been running very smoothly.(有关拯救被困在洞穴里十三名男孩的行动过程不算太顺利。 )

4. Hazardous(adj)危险的
例句:The operation is hazardous as the boys lack experience in swimming and diving.

5. Applause(n)掌声
例句:There were cheers and applauses when the boys were rescued.(在男孩们获救后,众人不禁欢呼和拍掌。)

6. Diver(n)潜水员

例句:Divers have been  guiding the boys through the darkness to leave the cave.(潜水员一直指导男孩们,如何穿越黑暗的通道离开洞穴。 )

7. Passageway(n)通道
例句:Since the passageways are narrow and submerged, rescuers have difficulties in reaching the boys.(由于通道狭窄而且被洪水淹没,拯救人员难以到达那些男孩们的避险所在地。 )

8. Wading(n)涉水
例句:The rescue process includes a combination of diving, wading and climbing in the cave.

9. Accompany(v)陪同
例句:Each of the boys is accompanied by two divers, who also carry his oxygen cylinder as the air supply.(每名男孩都会由两名潜水员陪同,他们并为男孩拿着氧气瓶, 借以为他供应足够的氧气。 )

10. Tough(adj)艰难的
例句:There is a very tough section in the halfway, which is so tight that the divers must take off their oxygen cylinders to get through.(拯救过程中途有一个非
常艰难的部分,潜水员必须脱掉氧气瓶才能通过狭窄的通道。 )

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