

SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA - JULY 29: Duc Tran, originally from Vietnam, poses for photos after being sworn in as a new U.S. citizen from his vehicle at a drive-in naturalization ceremony amid the COVID-19 pandemic on July 29, 2020 in Santa Ana, California. The naturalization ceremony welcomed around 268 immigrants who took the citizenship oath and pledged allegiance to the American flag as the spread of the coronavirus continues. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services temporarily suspended in-person ceremonies on March 18 to help slow the spread of COVID-19 before resuming services on June 4. Mario Tama/Getty Images/AFP == FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==
■来自越南的Duc Tran入籍后拍照留念。法新社


USCIS表示,有关的难民收费与其他国家一致,但有官员透露,移民局希望借此减少难民赴美寻求庇护。该匿名官员表示,根据人道主义立场,政府不应设立收费门槛,以此将难民拒之门外的行为令人反感。另一名官员更质疑, 50元根本不足以抵销移民局的相关成本,相信收费纯粹是为了惩罚难民。

关注移民权益的非牟利组织美国移民理事会谴责政府这次决定。理事会的政策顾问梅尔尼克(Aaron Reichlin-Melnick)批评,收费将加重新移民的经济负担,而且寻求庇护的难民申请首次工作许可时,更需支付550元,考虑到相关人士获批前不能在美工作,550元是不合理的负担。本报讯

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