新冠肺炎重创美国亚裔生意 唐人街生意一落千丈


In this Feb. 13, 2020, photo, a woman walks by Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, a neighborhood fixture owned by Christina Seid and built by her father four decades ago in New York. "I’m probably more American than a lot of the people asking me about coronavirus," said Seid. "It’s a little annoying to be honest." (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

In this Feb. 13, 2020, photo, restaurant owner Phong Nguy watches from his counter as customers eat lunch in the food court at the Mekong Plaza in the Asian district, in Mesa, Ariz. Arizona's freshly crowned Asian District was deep into organizing its night market when news broke that a case of the illness known as COVID-19 was confirmed at nearby Arizona State University. Xenophobic comments on social media and phone calls started almost immediately, according to Arizona Asian Chamber of Commerce CEO Vicente Reid. (AP Photo/Matt York)


美联社报道,当亚里桑那州立大学确诊了一宗新冠状病毒肺炎时,附近的亚裔区域Mesa正准备筹办夜市美食节。据亚利桑那州亚洲商会首席执行官文森特·里德(Vicente Reid)称,社交媒体上的仇外言论和电话几乎立刻就开始了,“有一个妇人打电话来说:难道来参加你活动的人不会受感染吗?”

In this Feb. 13, 2020, photo, Frankie Chu, owner of Vegetarian Dim Sum House in New York's Chinatown, sits in his empty restaurant usually bustling with customers, in New York. Sales have plunged 70% over the last two weeks, "I don't know how long I can stay here," Chu said. "After 9/11, it wasn't this bad." (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

佛有缘点心素食之家(Vegetarian Dim Sum House,上图)在曼哈顿唐人街经营了23年,但店主朱先生(Frankie Chu,下图右一)说,他将无法付这个月的租金。



“唐人街正在出血,”华埠合作组织(Chinatown Partnership)执行主席威灵顿.陈(Wellington Chen)说。“这东西远在千里之外。这种担心真是太过分了。”

陈说,曼哈顿唐人街的小商号反映上月销售额下降了40%到80%。据法拉盛华人商业协会(Flushing Chinese business Association)的数据,法拉盛的生意估计下滑了40%。

美中酒店协会(America China Hotel Association)高级副主席德里克.罗(Derek Law)表示,他在法拉盛拥有的一家水疗中心的生意更下降了约70%。在纽约市还没有确诊病例的情况下,官员和政客们正努力让人们明白,没有理由不去任何社区,在推特上发布以“支持唐人街”为标签的照片。

在波士顿,市长马蒂‧沃尔什(Marty Walsh)发起了一场类似的社交媒体活动,鼓励人们分享自己支持周边小企业的照片,标签为“爱波士顿——唐人街”。

芝加哥公共卫生专员埃里森.艾活特(Allison Arwady)说,鼓励人们到中国餐馆到商店,她认为健康危机不高。

In this Feb. 13, 2020, photo, Vincent Tang, manager of Manhattan's Chinatown oldest restaurant, Nom Wah Tea Parlor, speaks during an interview at the establishment started by his father, in New York. The restaurant has seen a 40% drop in business over the past three weeks, said Tang. "We're lucky to have loyal customers." (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

纽约市市长比尔·德布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)最近拜访了曼哈顿唐人街最古老的餐厅南华茶室(上图)。茶室的生意虽然跌了40%,但丝毫不影响老顾客的忠心,一位茶客说疫病“并不是发生在这里”。


(图片:美联社) T11

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