土耳其开放边界 3.6万难民涌入欧洲


TOPSHOT - A woman reacts as a dinghy transporting 27 refugees and migrants originating from Gambia and the Republic of Congo lands in Lesbos island after they were rescued by a war ship during their sea crossing between Turkey and Greece on February 29, 2020. - Greece blocked hundreds of migrants trying to enter the country on Friday after Turkey said it would open the gates for refugees from Syria to enter the European Union. Turkey's threat came hours after a Syrian strike on Thursday killed 33 of its soldiers in Idlib and was aimed at forcing European governments to do more to support it in its fight against the regime. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)

一名非洲女难民上周六由土耳其抵达希腊莱斯沃斯岛后,欢喜若狂。  法新社



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