

Google headquarters, Central Saint Giles, Covent Garden, London, Britain - 06 Aug 2012...Must credit PENSON/Rex Features Mandatory Credit: Photo by PENSON / Rex Features (1811356z) A Peek Inside Google's London Headquarters It features a secret garden, 'Granny flat' interiors and an allotment - welcome to Google's new London headquarters. The 160,000 sq ft hub features cutting-edge design that offers a quirky take on the traditional office. Occupying half of the ultra-modern Central Saint Giles development in Covent Garden over five floors, renowned interior designers PENSON were given the task of creating a vibrant workspace. The result is amazing variation of work and lounging space which finds room for 1,250 non-traditional desks. A space called Granny's Flat is furnished with chintzy chairs and fittings that wouldn't look out of place in an elderly relative's lounge, while the Lala Library hosts a giant semi-circle white sofa adorned with pillows and surrounded by arty and inspirational books. Surreal workspaces have tongue-in-cheek names such as the Velourmptious snug, a green, padded homage to the traditional British pub, and Snug-lushness, a garish flower-print padded bench seat. An area dubbed the Town Hall allows seating for 200 people and features velvet curtains, exposed ceilings and a video wall, while the Market Square is a rustic cafeteria area. For active staff members there is a gym and dance studio, a 'bikedry' for cycling gear storage and a shower block for those sweaty from the morning workout, cycle or commute. For those really wanting to escape the office, a 'Hedge Your Bets' secret garden on the roof terrace affords stunning views of London surrounded by grass and foliage - all with wi-fi connection for laptop work. Eco considerations are at the forefront of design with a high content of reclaimed or recycled materials employed and the use of water-based products and timber floor boards with Eco plywood perimeter


目前谷歌在英国共有4000名员工,目标在2020年前扩张至7000人。Business Insider网站报道,为了容纳庞大人力,谷歌在2013年宣布在伦敦国王十字(King’s Cross)车站周边投资10亿英镑(约13亿美元)兴建新总部,并委托AHMM建筑师事务所负责设计。

当时英国《卫报》曾报道,谷歌新总部预定地位在国王十字车站与圣潘克拉斯(St Pancras)车站之间,而总部大楼将是与铁轨平行的狭长型建筑物。但英国《每日邮报》报道,当时担任谷歌执行长的佩吉(Larry Page)认为AHMM的设计“太无趣”,于是在2015年否决这项设计蓝图,使总部建案暂时停摆。
伦敦新总部建案经历1年停摆后,终于在去年底宣布由2012年伦敦奥运圣火台设计师海瑟维克(Thomas Heatherwick)与BIG建筑师事务所操刀。


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