蔬果12臟 最好選有機!


(FILES) A file photo taken on January 20, 2012 shows tomatoes displayed at the Australian booth of the so-called Green Week (Gruene Woche) Agriculture and food Fair in Berlin. An international scientific team on May 30 said it had unravelled the genetic code of the tomato, opening up ways to improve the fruit's taste, nutrition and shelf-life. Gathering more than 300 researchers in 14 countries, the Tomato Genome Consortium compared today's domesticated tomato with its wild South American parent, Solanum pimpinellifolium. The tomato has 35,000 genes, but there is only a variation of 0.6 percent between the wild variety and the supermarket variety of today, according to the study, appearing in the journal Nature. AFP PHOTO / ODD ANDERSEN EMBARGO, RELEASABLE ON MAY 30, 2012 at 1700 GMT - THIS RESTRICTION APPLIES TO ALL MEDIA, INCLUDING WEBSITES 番茄(圖)含大量強效抗氧化劑茄紅素,能修補氣管受損細胞,加快哮喘童復元

雖然營養師指有機與非有機食品營養價值相差無幾,但有些蔬果最好還是選吃有機的,例如所謂蔬果12臟(dirty dozen),據eatingwell網站指,12臟包括桃子、蘋果、甜鍾椒(sweet bell pepper)、芹菜、蜜桃(nectarine)、草莓、櫻桃、小番茄(cherry tomato)、進口葡萄(特別是從智利進口的葡萄)、菠菜、黃瓜和番茄,因為生長過程中,非有機菜果農都大量施用殺蟲劑。
值得注意的是,無論是加拿大還是美國,organic並不必須是百分之百有機,這也是北美媒體經常警告的「Organic doesn’t mean 100% organic」。

美國有機食品標準由美國農業部(United States Department of Agriculture,USDA)頒佈,比加拿大早,規定也更為完善。美國有機食品標籤主要分為4級,包括「100% Organic」即完全有機食品,主要用於蔬菜和水果;「Organic」即有機含量達95%以上;「Made with organic ingredients」指有機含量達70%,此類產品不貼「有機」標籤,只能列表顯示有機成分;「Containing organic ingredients」即有機含量低於70%,此類產品亦不能貼「有機」標籤,只能列表。上述100%和95%以上有機食品可以貼上美國農業部的有機食品專用標籤「USDA Organic」。

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